Northeastµ Northwestµ Southeastµ Southwestµ µµµµµµ Resurrecting!µµµ No effect!µ Everyoneµhates you.µ µYell 'EVOCARE'µµ Not enough gold!µ A card, withµstrange marks!µ Exotics!µ MOVESµREPORT THY FEAT! CONGRATULATIONS!µ THOU HASTµ COMPLEATEDµEXODUS: ULTIMA 3µ INµ D, S, L, M- Dir- Cmd:- µµAVAILABLE:µ Other command!µWhose action- µ Welcome to theµ Shrine ofµ µFare thee well,µmy children.µ I'm sorry butµthou hast notµgold enough.µ Without properµofferings Iµcan not help!µ µI'm sorry,µbut you haveµnot the funds!µ May you rideµfast and trueµfriend!µ I'm sorry butµyou haven'tµthe gold!µ Ah, too bad.µThese are theµbest in town!µ gp. will youµbuy? -Horses cost,µ EQUINE EMPORIUM:µ µFare thee wellµand good luck!µ µMore offering? µHow many 100gpµis yourµoffering? µ RADRION:µPROPHET OF LIFE!µ µAnything else? Thank you,µcome again!µ Your need: µTHE GUILD SHOPµWE HAVE:µ Keys-50gpµ Torches-5/30gpµ Powders-90gpµ Gems-75gpµ µWelcome to theµARMOUR SHOP!µµlist (Y/N)?- µoh well, maybeµnext time.µ µMore gold thanµthou can carry!µSale cancelled.µ µµThank you!µ µµYou don't ownµone of those!µ µµfor sale?- µµHere you areµmay it serveµyou well!µ µµI'm very sorryµbut you haven'tµthe gold!µ µµYour interest?- µBuy or Sell?- µWelcome to theµWEAPONS SHOP!µµlist (Y/N)?- Recall whom?- 4µµRecallingsµcost 900 g.p.µWilt thou pay? Resurect whom?- 3µµResurrectionµcost 500 g.p.µWilt thou pay? Heal whom?- 2µµHealings costµ200 g.p. Wiltµthou pay? Cure whom?- 1µµA curing willµcost 100 g.p.µWilt thou pay? 1-Curing,µ 2-Healing,µ 3-Resurrection,µ 4-Recallings.µYour needs: µCLERICAL HEALINGµSACRAMENTS:µ very well,µcome again!µ µµThank you,µanything else? µµWHAT? CAN'T PAY!µOUT! YOU SCUM!!!µ RATIONS:µ1 g.p. EACH,µHow many wouldµyou like?- YE LOCALµ GROCERµµ µµIts been aµpleasure!!µ µanother drink? WHAT? CAN'T PAY!µOUT YOU SCUM!µ LEAVE MY SHOP!µ YOU SCUM!!µ µHere friend,µhave a drink!µIT COST 7 g.p.µYOU PAY?- µ WELCOME TOµ THE PUB!µ µSTARVING!µ POISON!µ Exit to Sosaria!µ µSHAZAM!µ µYOU CAN'T CHEATµTHE GODS!µ µThen be off!µ Offering*100- Wisdom Intelligence Dexterity Strength Noneµ NOT A DNG CMD!µ INVALID CMD!µ Klimbµ Descendµ Turn leftµ Turn rightµ Retreatµ Advanceµ Misty Writing:µ Gremlins!µ It left a mark!µ A red hot rodµin the wall, whoµwill touch?- Evaded!!µ ARGH!! A TRAP!!µ Strange wind!µ Ah! That's nice!µ ARGH! BLAH! YUK!µ How wonderful!µ YUCK! HORRIBLE!µ Can'tµ µA fountain, whoµwill drink?- You see a visionµof the Time Lordµ He tells youµ the one way isµ Love, Sol,µ Moons & Death,µ all else fails. It's dark!µ -POISONED!µ -PILFERED!µ Missed!µ µHIT!µ attackµDir- KILLED!!!µ -HIT!µ -Missed!µ Plr- NOT USABLE CMD!µ Ztatsµ Ready a Weapon!µ Negate Time!µ Cast Spell!µ ----µ ----PLAYER- µ---CONFLICT!!---µ-> µ****VICTORY!****µµ KILLED! Exp.+ Heal whom?- Recall whom?- Resurect whom?- Cure whom?- Incapacitated!µ Wizard Spell- Cleric Spell- Spell type W/C- M.P. too low!µ Not a mage!µ Cancelled.µ Cast by whom?- OFF only!µ µdestroyed!µ INVALID MOVE!µ You made it!µ µµµµµ All is dark!µµ µ You awaken onµ the shores ofµ a forgottenµland. Your shipµ and crew lostµ to the sea!µ µµ AS THE WATERµ ENTERS YOURµLUNGS YOU PASSµINTO DARKNESS!µµ µA HUGE SWIRLINGµ --WHIRLPOOL--µ ENGULFS YOUµ AND YOUR SHIPµ DRAGGING BOTHµ TO Aµ WATERY GRAVE! µA ship wasµdestroyed!µ µµALL PLAYERS OUT!µ Not here!µ <-WHAT?µ WHAT?µ Ztats for # Yell, whom?- craftµ X-it µArmour- Wear for # - OFF!µ ON!µ Volume Whose key- Unlock- THOU ART GREATERµµ SEEK YE, THEµMARK OF KINGS!µ NO MORE!µ EXPERIENCE MORE!!µµ WELCOME MY CHILDµ µGOOD DAY!µµ Who willµTransact- Watch out!µ Failed!µ Direct- Plr to steal- Readyµ µNot allowed!µ µNot owned!µ µWeapon- Ready for # - Movesµ Only on surface!µ Quit & save...µ Peer at gem!µWhose gem- Negate time!µWhose powd?- µExchanged!µ µPlr:- µAborted!µ Modify order!µPlr:- Look- Klimb None left!µ Join gold to- Whose torch- Ignite a torchµ In use!µ Which armour: Which weapon: How many- None!µ G,K,P,T: Done!µ Too much!µ Not enough!µ Amount- F,G,E,W,A: to plr- Hand Equipment!µFrom plr- and and a (overflowing!)µ GOLD+ Trap evaded!µ GAS TRAP!µ BOMB TRAP!µ POISON TRAP!µ ACID TRAP!µ No such player!µ Get chest!µPlr to search- µDirect- Fire shrine!µWho enters?- castle!µ town!µ dungeon!µ Enter Descend Board frigate!µ Mount horse!µ Board Attack- Westµ Eastµ Southµ Northµ Passµ Refer to the "Ultima III Manual" for help choosing a race, type, etc. 4Ü'ñ7GñÊ%Vñ76Ü %VF§ˆÜÊe'∆Vó eñ6Gˆ'T‚⌃∆F'ñFvVîîî DgñFÑW&V'÷Ê Hey, sneak. Try yelling "PISS OFF". 4Ü'ñ75ˆVffñÊv 5ÜwÊ56Ê∆ˆÊ DˆWv‘ñ∆V7 $'ñÊDgñFÙ∆7ˆÊ ÙW6ܬGÜGÜW'G‚ Dʃˆ'6“‘'GñÊVß T'ñ6¥ñÊv ‘ñ6ÜV∆§VÊ 4Ü'ñ7ÑwÊv Eî‘Tî5$T‰T⌃EÑïÙU $'óÊш'∆ñÊv ¥VÊÑñ∆∆ 5VGÜt'VÊ∆F uV∆FˆÊDˆFF DÊÊ4WGGV' 5GVÜ4Ü∂V'ñÊ